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"After the fourth hour (following his admission to the hospital) he appeared to be sinking into unconsciousness."As most of his speaking was in English, a request for an interpreter was made, and one was sent from the civil government offices named Nakamura. Long Live Azad Hind'," the statement reads. Dr Yoshimi gave him an injection and after some time he was no more. He appeared to have no doubt that the man he was speaking with was Chandra Bose.Five witnesses include Netaji& hybrid injection molding machine Factory close associate have been quoted as corroborating that Netaji died in plane crash.D."Dr Yoshimi went on to appear before both the Major General. He murmured and muttered in his state of coma, but never regained consciousness. There was very little left on his head in the way of hair or other identification marks. At about 2300 hours he died.They seized a copy of a telegram from the Chief of Staff of the Japanese Southern Army to Hikari Kikan, a body set up to liaise between the Japanese government and Bose's "Provisional Government of Free India"."Tsan Pi Sha, a nurse at the same hospital, confirmed this account in in September 1946 to Harin Shah, a journalist with Mumbai's Free Press Journal', who visited Taipei to nvestigate the matter.In one of his later interviews to Ashis Ray, creator of www.""Whenever he regained briefly his consciousness, he felt thirsty.info, in 1995, Dr Yoshimi said: "A lieutenant called Nonomiya told me this is Mr Chandra Bose, a very important person, and that I should save his life at any cost.info said in a statement.The medical officer in charge of the hospital was Captain Taneyoshi Yoshimi of the Japanese Army. I was instructed to apply olive oil all over his body and that I did. Khosla Commission. He was suffering from extensive burns over the whole of his body, though the most serious were those on his head, chest and thighs."There are no two opinions between the five witnesses about the fact that Bose's end came on the night of 18 # August 1945," www. I would like to sleep a while. I was by his side.Colonel Habibur Rehman Khan, Bose's aide-de-camp (ADC) who was with him on the fateful day and survived the crash, submitted a statement written and signed on 24 August 1945 six days after the crash confirming Bose's last words to him."She, then, took Shah to the south-west corner of the ward and to the bed where Bose passed away.  

He informed me that he had very often interpreted for (Subhas) Chandra Bose and had had many conversations with him.Dr Tsuruta submitted to Figgess, "Bose asked him in English if he would sit with him throughout the night. London: The latest set of witness statements released by a UK-based website set up to unravel the mystery surrounding Netaji Subhas Chandra Bose's death seem to confirm that the freedom fighter died as a result of a plane crash in Taiwan.She said,” He died here. They concluded Bose had died as a result of the air tragedy. Shah Nawaz led Netaji Inquiry Committee in 1956 and the 1974 Justice G. This was recorded by Captain Alfred Turner of the War Crimes Liaison Section of Taiwan."Between May and July of 1946, Lt Col J G Figgess of the British Army interrogated six Japanese officials in Tokyo in connection with the incident, including Japanese doctor Toyoshi Tsuruta, who was present at the Nanmon Military Hospital near the crash site where Bose was rushed to after the crash.  

He died on 8 August last year (1945), (Subhas) Chandra Bose.bosefiles.bosefiles. De, went to Bangkok, Saigon and Taipei to investigate. (Photo: PTI)                                                     Five witnesses include Netaji's close associate have been quoted as corroborating that Netaji died in plane crash."He went on to say that after Bose expired, the Japanese officers in the room stood in one line and saluted his body."I am a surgical nurse and took care of him till he died.In September 1945, two intelligence teams from India led by police officers named Finney and Davis, assisted by H K Roy and K. I gave him water several times.”The interpreter, Nakamura, deposed before the Inquiry Committee that there was "not a word of complaint either of pain or suffering from his lips  This composure of Netaji (Bose) surprised all of us. Before long India will be free.Using the code "T" for Bose, the cable dated 20 August 1945 said, "T", while on his way to the capital (Tokyo), as a result of an accident to his aircraft at TAIHOKU (Japanese name for Taipei) at 1400 hours on the 18th was seriously injured and died at midnight on the same date."Prior to his death he (Bose) told me that his end was near and asked me to convey a message from him to our countrymen to the following effect: 'I have fought to the last for India's independence and now am giving my life in the same attempt. However, shortly after seven o'clock (in the evening) he suffered a relapse and although the doctor once again administered a camphor injection he sank into a coma and died shortly afterwards. Countrymen! Continue the independence fight.P.Five witnesses, which include Netaji's close associate, two Japanese doctors, an interpreter and a Taiwanese nurse, have been quoted as corroborating that the founder of the Indian National Army (INA) died on 18 August 1945 following a plane crash on the outskirts of an airfield in Taipei.

File photo of Netaji Subhas Chandra Bose. That's how I knew who he (Bose) was.He said, "When he was laid on the bed (of the hospital), I personally cleaned his (Bose's) injuries with oils and dressed them."He recalled that when it seemed obvious to him that Bose’s condition was sinking, he asked the patient, "What can I do for you " Bose replied, "I feel as if blood is rushing to my head. The first of several testimonies provided by Dr Yoshimi was on 19 October 1946 at Stanley Gaol in Hong Kong, where he was imprisoned by British authorities after World War II. With slight groaning, he would ask for water.

Posté le 14/05/2020 à 05:36 par twonhybrijecti
Catégorie plastic injection machine